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How to get Song of the Deep Relic in Fisch

Author: Unknown Author Update Time: March 17, 2025

Apart from the Whale Migration, the other talking part of this weekend's update is the new Song of the Deep Relic. This Relic is used to get the new Blessed Song Enchant. So, if you don't know how to get this Song of the Deep Relic, here is a brief guide about it.

How to get the Song of the Deep Relic in Fisch

To get this Relic, you have to take up the quest offered by Captain Ahab at Moosewood. So, travel to ( 370, 134,223) GPS coordinates to reach Mooswood, and you will find Captain Ahab next to the Shipwright NPC near a rock. Interact with him, and he will ask you to get the Secret Moby Whale in the game.

Now, wait for the Whale Migration Event to happen on your server. You can increase the chance of spawning a Whale Migration Event by using a Tempest Totem, as the Event has a 20% chance during the Rainy season. Once the Event starts, you will receive a notification saying the "Whale Migration has begun." Travel straight to the Ancient Isle or Statue of Soverignty to locate a group of Whales Swimming. Among those Whales, if you see a White one, then there is a Secret Moby Whale for you to catch. But, if you see all Blue Whales, then you have to wait for another migration. So, If you spot one, it is time to start hunting for the Secret Moby Whale using the following bait and requirements.

  • Description: The Legendary White Sperm Whale
  • Type: Secret
  • Progression: -95%
  • Suitable Bait: Shrimp
  • Preferred Rod: Rod of Depths, Ethereal Prism Rod, and Zeus Rod
  • Weather: None
  • Time: None
  • Season: None

With time and all the above details, you will catch a Secret Moby Whale. Once you get one, return to Captain Ahab and give the Whale to acquire the Song of the Deep Relic and the Mobby Bobber as rewards.

Now, use the Song of the Deep Relic in Keeper's Altars to get the Blessed Song Enchant that provides +10% Progress Speed to your rod. Remember, this Enchant is not 100% guaranteed, and you may get a failed Enchantment during the process.

For more on Fisch, Check out How to get the Scylla Rod in Fisch or How to get the Camera Boat in Fisch