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Definitive Arcane Lineage Class Tier List [Dark & Light]

Author: Unknown Author Update Time: March 14, 2025

Whether it's your first or 100th wipe in Arcane Lineage, picking your class will always feel like a big choice to make, especially since you can't change them later on. So, to help you pick the best class for you, here is our definitive Arcane Lineage class tier list!

Arcane Lineage Base Class Tier List


There are 5 Base Classes in Arcane Lineage, and each of them has 3 Super Classes, which are forms of specialization. You start with a Base Class at level 5 and can start progressing to the Super Class at level 15. The tier list above ranks all Base Classes based on how good they are by default and how good all of their Super Classes are.

Warrior is generally the best Base Class in Arcane Lineage, as all of its Super Classes are excellent, and they excel at both solo grinding and in a party. Slayer, Martial Artist, and Wizard each have a top-tier Super Class, and if you go for it, they will really pay off. In the table below are the details on each Base Class, and further down is the ranking of all Super Classes.

ClassDescriptionPros & Cons
Total Cost: 220g
Scaling: Strength
Weapon: Ferrus Cestus
Focuses on single-target damage and defensive buffs
+ Dark Wraith is a meta Super Class
+ Pretty easy early game grinding
+ The lower chip damage from blocking is quite useful
Endure is a fairly bad defensive skill
Monk and Brawler are both underwhelming Super Classes
Total Cost: 200g
Scaling: Strength
Weapon: Broadsword
Focuses on single-target damage, with CC in its kit and a bigger Block bar
+ All of its Super Classes are great
+ Low cooldowns and good stats on both skills
+ The best Base Class in general
Total Cost: 200g
Scaling: Strength
Weapon: Ferrus Spear
Focuses on single-target damage and applying poison
+ Leads to the Saint, which is the best support class in the game
Long cooldowns on both of its base skills
Fairly bad to level with early on
Total Cost: 200g
Scaling: Strength
Weapon: Ferrus Dagger
Has increased gold gain and bleed/blind on its skills
+ Increased speed and gold gain make progression quicker
+ Pocket Sand is an extremely good skill
Only one good Super Class
Bleed from Stab is pretty useless early on
Total Cost: 120g
Scaling: Arcane
Weapon: Old Staff
Focuses on dealing single-target magic damage
+ Magic Missile is a very good skill that you can spam
+ Increased escape chance and less aggro
+ Necromancer is a top-tier Super Class and very self-sufficient
No extra skills besides Magic Missile

Arcane Lineage Super Class Tier List


In the table above, you can find the tier list of all Super Classes in Arcane Lineage. These are the classes you unlock post-level 15 and are what define your playstyle until the end of your playthrough. Each one has different alignment requirements, which you'll need to fulfill and, naturally, have an appropriate Base Class.

The best overall classes are Dark Wraith, Berserker, Necromancer, and Saint. They are all more or less self-sufficient and can work both in a party and without it, though for the Saint, you really want to be in one. Blade Dancer, Paladin, and Rogue are all also good, but they are just a tiny bit weaker than the top 4. More details on each class' ranking is in the table below.

ClassDescriptionPros & Cons
Requirements: 15 Orderly, Martial Artist Base Class
Total Cost: 2,000g
Scaling: Strength
Focuses on dealing damage through single-target attacks and DoTs
Empowers allies with offensive and defensive buffs
+ A lot of skills with fairly low cooldowns
+ Is a pretty good support with proper mastery tree perks
+ Jack-of-all-trades
Fairly bad before you get certain mastery tree perks
Not that self-sufficient
Requirements: Martial Artist Base Class
Total Cost: 3,750g
Scaling: Strength
Focuses on single-target attacks and applying debuffs
Damage scales while applying debuffs and attacking debuffed enemies
+ Good single-target DPS
+ Mastery tree buffs are very good
Requires DoT and debuff stacking from the party to be OP
Relatively high energy costs
Requirements: 15 Chaotic, Martial Artist Base Class
Total Cost: 2,000g
Scaling: Arcane
Scales with Arcane and summons mobs to fight for you
Gainst Darkcore stacks on crit and consumes them to empower abilities
+ Insane crit chance stacking from passives and mastery tree
+ Summons are OP and deal insane damage
+ Very good DPS and debuff stacking on all enemies
+ One of the best and most self-sufficient classes in the game
Requirements: 15 Orderly, Warrior Base Class
Total Cost: 2,000g
Scaling: Strength/Endurance
Focuses on buffing and protecting the allies
Can taunt enemies and tank damage extremely well
+ The best tank class in the game
+ Very good protective buffs and heals and also has taunt
Fairly bad DPS and not that good for solo grinding
You need to be in a party to make the most out of it
Requirements: Warrior Base Class
Total Cost: 3,750g
Scaling: Strength
Chance to parry attacks and deal damage on enemy's turn
Focuses on single-target attacks and counters
+ Can deal insane damage off your turn with counters & parries
+ Very good single-target DPS
+ Solid defense
+ One of the best DPS classes in the game
No self-sustain like Berserker
Requirements: 10 Chaotic, Warrior Base Class
Total Cost: 2,000g
Scaling: Strength
Focuses on single-target attacks
Gain damage as you kill enemies and get low on HP
+ Insane single-target DPS
+ Can get lifesteal from the mastery tree
+ Gets stronger the lower HP you are
+ One of the best and most self-sufficient classes in the game
Low defense
Requirements: 15 Orderly, Slayer Base Class
Total Cost: 2,000g
Scaling: Strength/Arcane
Heals and cleanses debuffs on all allies
Deals undodgeable AoE damage and applies blinded
+ The best healing/support class in the game
+ Absolutely necessary if you're playing in a party
+ Heals allies and cleanses debuffs
Low damage on its own
Requirements: Slayer Base Class
Total Cost: 3,750g
Scaling: Strength/Speed
Buffs allies and taunts enemies
Applies stun and some other debuffs
+ Solid tank class with buffs and a bit of sustain
+ Blocks and dodges regen your HP
+ Can stun enemies with its skills
Paladin is just better
Mastery tree buffs are underwhelming
Requirements: 10 Chaotic, Slayer Base Class
Total Cost: 2,000g
Scaling: Strength/Arcane
Deals self-damage and AoE damage to enemies
Gains self-sustain through mastery tree nodes
+ Very good AoE damage
Self-damage will quickly make you regret using skills
Can't work without a healer in the party
Long cooldowns and high energy costs
Requirements: 15 Orderly, Thief Base Class
Total Cost: 2,000g
Scaling: Speed/Arcane
Focuses on dealing damage through AoE attacks and DoTs
Buffs allies and debuffs enemies
+ A lot of skills with fairly low cooldowns
+ Solid buffs and debuffs on skills
+ Very good sustained AoE DPS
Poor single-target DPS
There are better support/DPS classes
Requirements: Thief Base Class
Total Cost: 3,750g
Scaling: Strength/Arcane/Speed/Luck
Focuses on dealing damage through traps and AoE/single-target attacks
Reliably stacks poison and debuffs on all enemies
+ Relatively low cooldowns and energy costs
+ Very good AoE and single-target DPS with attacks and DoTs
+ Trap mastery tree perks are OP when playing with a Paladin
Low defense
Requires the mastery tree upgrades to become really good
Requirements: 15 Chaotic, Thief Base Class
Total Cost: 2,000g
Scaling: Strength/Arcane
Applies DoTs and debuffs
Has invisibility and auto-dodge
+ Invisibility makes you untargetable
+ Good single-target damage
DoTs are a relatively bad source of damage overall
Long cooldowns
Requirements: 10 Orderly, Wizard Base Class
Total Cost: 2,000g
Scaling: Arcane
Focuses on dealing AoE damage and buffing allies
Can also apply DoTs and CC
+ Good AoE damage, debuffs, and party buffs
Relatively long cooldowns
Requires you to be in a party to be really good
Requirements: Wizard Base Class
Total Cost: 3,750g
Scaling: Arcane
Focuses on applying various debuffs to enemies
Can reflect enemy debuffs with his traps
+ The best debuffer in the game
Very bad DPS on its own
Requires a party to be even remotely good
Requirements: 15 Chaotic, Wizard Base Class
Total Cost: 2,000g
Scaling: Arcane
Summons mobs to fight for you
Heals summons and resurrects dead allies
+ Excellent total DPS from summons and your own attacks
+ Can resurrect dead allies
+ Lifesteal on summon's attacks on the mastery tree
+ One of the best and most self-sufficient classes in the game

Arcane Lineage Sub Class Tier List


There are 3 Sub Classes in Arcane Lineage right now, and of those three, Alchemist is arguably the worst. The extra gold you make by selling potions isn't worth it, considering how much extra combat utility you can get from Bard and Beastmaster. Still, if you are still grinding the extra slots, Alchemist might be a good choice.

ClassDescriptionPros & Cons
Total Cost: 1,200g
Requirements: None
Scaling: None
Focuses on buffing and healing allies and debuffing enemies
+ Easy to get
+ Solid heals, buffs, and debuffs on its skills
Having a designated healer in the party is much better
Total Cost: 750g + 3 mob drops
Requirements: Mushroom Cap, Sand Core, Restless Fragment
Scaling: None
Gain a permanent drop rate buff against enemies executed with Mark
Allows you to sneak and avoid encounters (costs HP)
+ The extra drop rates from enemies executed with Mark are very good
+ Expose is an excellent single-target damage buff
Relatively hard to get
Total Cost: 800g + 3 potions
Requirements: Small Health Potion, Ferrus Skin Potion, Invisibility Potion
Scaling: None
Allows you to sell ingredients and potions for money and spawn a cauldron anywhere
You can use more potions in battle
Has an undodgeable skill that applies random debuffs
+ You can make really good money by crafting potions and selling them
Relatively hard to get
The combat skill can be both OP and garbage, depending on RNG

Now that you've gone through our tier list and learned which Base, Super, and Sub classes are best in Arcane Lineage, choosing them on your next wipe should be that much easier. To find more tips and tricks for this game, including our ultimate Arcane Lineage beginner's guide, check out the Roblox category on our website.