الرئيسية لعبة الذكاء غير الرسمي Memory for kids and adults

The Memory for kids and adults, is a game that provide oportunity to developp our inteligence , and all this by making our mind remember what is hidden behind some pictures and try to find an equal picture !

this game is very funny to play and also good way to improve the education level of our childrens, but dont forget ! you adults can also play this game togeher with your children and have fun !

this game contains some news like : 4 categories, HD fruits, and others cartoon characters......

Enjoy this game and thank you for choosing our game !

What's New in the Latest Version 2.0

Last updated on Jul 20, 2015 الجديد في اللعبة :
• اربع مجموعات متنوعة
• فواكه جديدة
امضي وقتا ممتعا مع هده اللعبة ولا تنسانا بالضغط على الزر لايك لتقيپ اللعبة، فلكي نتمكن من تحديت اللعبة لك أخي الكريم، نحن بحاجة لدعمك حتى نقدم لك منتوج احسن فاحسن