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The Times Online App: News, reports, analysis of TIME and TIME ONLINE.

The ZEIT ONLINE app for Android (from version 6.0) offers you the award-winning journalism from ZEIT ONLINE and ZEIT in one clear app.

With the new version, you can keep an eye on current events and headlines on your phone and tablet. Be inspired by the editors' reading recommendations, listen to podcasts with our new audio player and enjoy our reports, analyzes and data visualizations - now also in dark mode.

The areas of the app at a glance:

● Home

On the start page you can see our news and analyzes of the most important events of the day as well as the latest articles from our departments - from politics and business to health and knowledge to ZEITmagazin and ZEIT Campus.

● My Subscription

Here you will find all the content of your digital subscription: Z+ articles, recipes from the weekly market, games such as Sudoku and "Thinking around the corner", the e-paper of the current ZEIT and more.

● Headlines

Scroll through our offer in chronological order or display the most commented or most read content.

● Audio

In the audio area you will find all podcasts from ZEIT and ZEIT ONLINE, such as our news podcast "What Now?" and "TIME crime". You will also hear articles from the current ZEIT newspaper read aloud.

● Games

Play the popular word puzzle "Wortiger", the "Spell Bee" or one of our classics: Sudoku, crossword puzzles or the quiz.

● Menus

In the content menu (top left in the start tab) you will find all departments and important overview pages such as the newsletter overview or the ZEIT archive. In the user menu (top right in the start tab) we collect other useful functions of our app: dark mode, font size adjustment, push notifications and your personal watch list.

● ZEIT ONLINE on your home screen

With our widget, you'll never miss a new article, even if you haven't opened the app. Add the widget to your home screen and display two or four current headlines.


Support ✉︎

If you have any questions, suggestions or problems, please contact us by email ([email protected]) and our expert ZEIT customer service will be happy to help you. We can react faster and more specifically to e-mails and help you directly. Otherwise, it is even quicker to use the feedback form in the More area of ​​the app.

Privacy Policy & Terms & Conditions ℹ︎

You can find our privacy policy at http://www.zeit.de/hilfe/datenschutz. You can find our terms of use at http://www.zeit.de/agb.

What's New in the Latest Version 2.5.1

Last updated on Nov 21, 2024 Sie können jetzt das Menü personalisieren, das auf Artikelseiten angezeigt wird. Fügen Sie z.B. Shortcuts zur Startseite oder zur Merkliste hinzu, wenn Sie diese immer greifbar haben wollen oder pinnen Sie die neue Funktion "Audio zur Warteschlange hinzufügen". Mit dem Artikelmenü haben wir auch den Audioplayer überarbeitet und ihm Features spendiert: Warteschlange, Playlists und einen Einschlaf-Timer. In unserem Blogpost lesen Sie mehr über das Projekt: https://www.zeit.de/artikelmenu