Stop waiting at bus stops & train stations. Use YoRide & find live bus timings.
New to the city and need to find out which bus or metro to take to your destination? Not so new to the city, but need to know what is the exact time your bus is going to come to your bus stop? You can find all the city bus and metro information in YoRide.
YoRide is the most convenient and real-time app for Public Transportation. Simply set your destination and YoRide provides you the best routes to your destination. Multiple routes are provided with time and cost. You will find real-time city bus timings, Metro timings along with complete details like fare, bus stop location, bus stop directions and route map. Suggestions are based on real-time arrival times so that you do not have to go to the bus stop/train station and wait there unnecessarily. Not only that, you can also compare & book a taxi to your destination from Uber, Ola cabs, Jugnoo Auto, Mega cabs, Rapido Bike and more.
Some of the key features of YoRide are:
- Real-time city bus and metro timings
- Direct bus/train routes as well as routes involving an intermediate change over
- Crowd-sourced data: You can provide the location and occupancy of a bus or train in the app. This helps other users find the right bus/train. And you earn reward points that can be redeemed for free internet data.
- Compare fare and ETA of all taxis, considering all factors like Surge price, ride time charges, minimum distance charges etc. So it is the ultimate cab fare calculator
Refer & Earn: Refer your friend and earn reward points
- Book any taxi in YoRide itself
- Point-to-point taxis as well as Hourly packages
- Discount Coupons
Cities supported
- For taxis: All major cities and towns
- For public transport: Bangalore.
Few things to keep in mind
- The first time you try to book an Ola cab in YoRide, you need to login. You have to do this only once. This lets you to automatically use your Ola money as well as keep your Ola account in Sync with your YoRide account
- When you try to book an Uber in YoRide, you will be redirected to Uber app. with all your information like taxi type, pickup location & drop location already filled. You can then book with a single tap. Very soon, you will be able to complete Uber booking in YoRide itself
Stop waiting at the bus stops & train stations. Use YoRide for real-time city bus & metro timings.