Yesca is online free Dating app allows people to meet and date new people nearby
Yesca opens new opportunities to find love, make new friends or just meet interesting people not like in other dating apps.
The application uses your location and shows you people nearby. Browse people in every place in every country in the world. Youíll see people who like and wanna meet and date you in requests section. You can always edit your profile adding your picture, languages you would like to communicate in and your actual location!
Our application is beautifully designed, easy to use and impossible to forget!
- Free Registration
- Manage your profile
- Send and receive unlimited number of messages for free
- Find people near you and see who's online to start chatting instantly for free
- Private chat with person
- Different search options (Basic, Advance, Refine)
- Add person in your favourite list
- Import contacts
Q: Who can register in this app?
A: A person Age is 18+ years can register in this app.
Q: My prodfile data is safe?
A: Nothingís more priceless than your privacy and security, which is why we ensure that youíre always in control. Who you are and where you remain anonymous until you decide who you want to grant that access to and when. Your secrets are safe with us, and when youíre ready to open up, we make it easy to update your profile.
Q: Can I send private message to other person?
A: Yes, you can send private message to other person. As well as you can receive private message from other person.
Q: Can I hide my some profile details?
A: Yes, Yesca App give you some advance features to hide you some profile details.
Q: Can I see who visit my profile?
A: Yes, You can see list of people who check your profile.
Q: Can I block person who send me irrelevant message?
A: Yes, you can block person any time who send you irrelevant message.