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Submit PRT operating status reports as you ride the PRT, helping other users make travel decisionsView other user reportsView official reports from @WVUDOT's twitter feedView locations of each PRT station on a map of MorgantownView bus delays from @MLticker's twitter feedSee real-time locations of all buses along with direction of travelReceive notifications of PRT status updatesKNOWN ISSUE:
The Twitter feeds from both @WVUDOT and @MLticker are currently prone to rate limiting. This causes the lists to falsely indicate no tweets are available. This effect can be drastically reduced by using your mobile network instead of wifi. A fix will be released soon to address this.
Developed in conjunction with the Lane Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering senior design course by Steven White, Shane Welsh, and Peter Kirkpatrick. All images, graphics, and initial app idea provided by Ray Zane.