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Official app of the Magnus School of Wizardry.

The Magnus School of wizardry offers comprehensive programs of study that are rooted in the authentic Western esoteric tradition.

The school is accessible from our Android app as well as our standard website at SchoolOfWizardry.com

Concept & Mission

The Magnus School of Wizardry is certainly not the first " Wizard School " to arrive online, but it is quite unique amongst all others. This is not a school for kids or mere Harry Potter fans. Our university-level curriculum is based in the original texts and treatises of the classical scholars. Throughout your studies you will learn Astronomy, Alchemy, Philosophy and Magical Procedures directly from the works of Masters like Agrippa, Bacon, Dee, Bruno, Luria and more. Unlike many other schools, ours is a scholarly institution with an emphasis on producing academic research of a quality to be considered for publication in peer-reviewed journals such as Societas Magica.

Our programs involve independent study, research and interpretation. As such, every student reads and interprets the classics for themselves. Having such a breadth of knowledge from which to draw, each student may adapt his or her own system of magical practice that is based in authentic tradition yet which also applies to our modern sensibilities. This method ensures that the wellspring of information we inherit from the Masters is not filtered or tainted by the personal biases, ignorance or self-interests of disreputable "teachers".

Of interest to Wizardry, Golden Dawn, Ordo Templi Orientis, Rosecrucian, wicca, Witchcraft, magic, paganism, magick, occult, alchemy, astronomy, sorcery, tarot, Kabbalah, Enochian, Thelmema, Aleister Crowley.

What's New in the Latest Version 2.0

Last updated on Oct 5, 2015 Fixed some text.

Added Facebook Feature.

This replaces the former "Wizard School" app which will no longer be supported.