The must have to lose weight!
Weight W is the must have application to follow or start your diet!
It's allow you to do anything necessary without complexity like calculate your target Propoints, add every meal you have done and review these meal. You can track your weight evolution easily too !
This allows you a glance, thanks to beautiful charts, to see your weight evolution and your points quota.
Features :
✔ Calculate points from fat, carbs, prot
✔ Follow your diet by setting your meal consumption
✔ Follow your weight evolution through time
✔ Add activity to increase your quota
This app have been designed to be the more intuitive and simple as possible.
We are aware of any suggest, don't hesitate to contact us for any suggest or problems!
/! : This app is not affiliated or sponsored of any kind with the WWI group
tags : ProPoints, Weight Watcher, calculator, fitness, health, weight, WW
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