Detailed Weather Forecast for Switzerland and every city in the World
A quick and easy way to get your weather forecast for your region updated in real time and supervised by real meteorologists!
Fast view for 10 days in landscape mode (not radar and TV)
- Flash and TV news presented three times a day!
- Flash TV about the weekend weather, road weather and seasonal trends, weather in Europe
- Webcams in Switzerland
- Weather forecast for the morning, the afternoon and the evening
- Radar Animation for 3 hours
- Radar for rainfall, wind, satellite, currents
Options spring - summer - autumn of
- Beach weather
- Temperature of lakes - rivers - pools
- Astronomy, rise and set of sun and moon
- Information on allergies with the amount of pollens in the air
- Pollution level; Ozone - Qxyde
Option winter
- All resorts in Switzerland with states for tracks; Skiing - cross-country skiing - sledding
- Check the snow through live webcams from the ski slopes
- The last snowfall in a snap
- Limit of snowfall
- Limit zero degree
Additional information throughout the year:
- Value of forecast reliability
- Probability of sunshine and rainfall
- Average temperature, minimum and maximum
- Perceived temperature
- Force and wind direction, strength of wind gusts
- Fog
- Graphics for each hour
Choice of city or any location and even villages around the World.
Source and Partner: MeteoNews SA