Home Apps Life Entertainment Wallpaper & Background(Best)

Only best HD wallpapers and backgrounds for your Android phone and tablet!

The best awesome wallpapers and backgrounds for your Android phone and tablet!

Daily updated high quality wallpaper you recommend the most popular, the most fashionable wallpaper.

Get your next background from this huge collection of beautiful free wallpapers.

More than million HD Wallpapers now.


- Browse many popular backgrounds categories with our fast browsing interface

- See the current and all-time popular backgrounds

- Favorite & save wallpapers for later on the SD card

- All wallpapers / backgrounds are free of course

- New cool wallpapers are added every week.

- You can search wallpapers by category, popular, favorite features.

- High usability using cache system.


"3D", "Abstract", "Airplanes","Animals", "Beautiful", "Cars", "Colors", "Computer", "Cool", "Fantasy", "Funny", "Games", "Holiday", "Landscape", "Motorcycles", "Nature”, "Scenery", "Seasons", "Sexy", "Space", "Sports”…

What are you waiting for? Get your cool HD wallpapers on your Android mobile device now, it's free!You can use these photos as your phone's home screen or lock screen wallpaper. More live wallpapers can focus on our other applications.

Our application is free, faster and offers the best collection of popular, free and high resolution Featured Wallpapers and backgrounds.

Copyright statement:

Then we go through a rigorous review of the picture, there may be controversy delete categories such as animation, anime cartoons, movies and other topics of wallpaper. Other pictures are checked to determine there is no copyright issues every one will be allowed to upload to our own server. If you use our wallpaper applications, it was found that there are no images may violate copyright issues, please contact us and confirm the deletion. Thank you.

I hope you like our wallpapers, which makes us feel that we are doing something pretty cool.