Home Apps Business Office USSD Lib

Lib for intercepting USSD

This application allow user to to query USSD code (such as send *112# to query post-paid billing of Mobifone/Vietnam) to the network and intercept the response (prevent displaying of default USSD response dialog of Android).

It's used as a library for CallLimit: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hit.calllimit


For developer who want to do the USSD intercepting as above:

1. Install this app

2. Restart the phone

3. Send a broadcast intent:

Intent ussdIntent = new Intent("SEND_UC_USSD_WITH_RESULT");

ussdIntent.putExtra(USSD_NUMBER, number);

4. Register a receiver with action: "com.hit.ussdlib.service.USSD_RESPONSE_ACTION"

5. Get the response: String response = intent.getStringExtra("com.hit.ussdlib.service.message");


What's New in the Latest Version 1.0.0

Last updated on Nov 14, 2015 18-Mar-2014:
Version 1.0.0