#TwitADex is 3D Twitter!
Tweet us At @DeadlyApps
Use the Hashtag #TwitADex
#TwitADex is a Twitter App in 3d. Not only is the UI clean and intuitive but it is fun as well.
The main Twitter menu is a Radial menu. When you tap and hold the menu you can choose what action you want to take. If you want to write a new tweet, click and hold the center of the screen then move your finger up, then release.
When writing a new tweet #TwitADex will keep a history of your previous Mentions and Hashtags, and will allow you to re-use the most recent 3. Also when typing a @ and #, #TwitADex will prompt you with a best fit history of Mentions or Hashtags you have used previously with Twitter.
In #TwitADex your home timeline is now a spiral. As you load tweets the spiral gets longer. You can wheel through your tweets in landscape or portrait modes to see more or larger tweets. Tapping on a tweet will enlarge that tweet and give you the option to Reply, Retweet, Favorite, Or go to the User Profile of the author of the tweet.
The use profile menu also done in the same style. Each option enlarges as you drag your finger over them, the action occurs when you release your finger from the enlarged button.
Navigate the radial menu to the # symbol to see the Search and “What’s Trending?” in Twitter options.Trends are GPS local and can be navigated to via the spiral.
#TwitADex also supports Twitters Direct Messages, Favorites, Lists, and much much more.
If you want the best Twitter timeline out there, use #TwitADex!
1.39 Full Arabic Support
initial Arabic support
Stock Symbol Support
Image Previewing
Notifications Show Properly
Notifications Bring User to correct locations
Notification Toggles work again
Conversations Work again
Removed complexity in initial login.
Added a new tweet view that keeps hashtag and mention history
User can click links again.