Barcelona Weather Forecast Made by Forecasters. Live Notifications
Meteorological information of the city of Barcelona where the forecast for schedules of the current day, next day and week is shown.
It offers, in addition to relevant information such as temperature, thermal sensation, wind, sunny hours, visibility and humidity, personalized texts with useful advice to perform some outdoor activity and for those who ride a motorcycle.
Outstanding characteristics:
- Translated into Catalan: Change the texts of the forecasts to Catalan if you wish.
- Information of the forecasts: made by a group of meteorologists who work every day to refine in the information they offer. They are not automatic.
- Current time: with meteorological information of relevance for day -to -day activities.
- LIVE TIME: Personalized alerts with information on relevant changes in the Meteo of the current day.
- Real users photographs: With the #Tumeteobcn Ahg on Twitter, up an image and if selected you can see it in the app.
- 30 -year -old historical: if you need to have an idea of the average temperature, rains or wind, introduce the date and get the forecast easily and free.
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