Discover the newspaper Trouw as you're used to on paper.
Now read True, the best newspaper in Europe that brings you daily news and floor at the weekend two magazines: Time and Letter & Spirit.
* You choose yourself how you want to read True: if it is the printed newspaper, or a product in a simple text and image version. You can zoom in on pages, articles and images.
Your digital newspaper is always ready with the download automatically.
* Newspaper missed? No problem. You can always download the papers of the past week.
* You can first download the newspaper and later reading offline.
Who subscribed on Wedding (hard copy or digital newspaper), read with this app free newspaper. Do not know how to sign in or have forgotten your login details, please contact our reader service: +31 88 056 15 99 (during office hours).
If you are not a subscriber, you may purchase the digital newspaper via your Google Play account. You can buy a weekly newspaper a day for € 0.99 or a weekend newspaper for 1.99 €.