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Access real time bus info provided by Champaign-Urbana MTD bus system

Transit lets you check the bus time data provided by CU MTD (Champaign Urbana Mass Transit District) in real time through their STOPwatch system. Bus arrival times are updated real-time according to traffic situations.

Note: Transit is going to be unstable in the coming few weeks. Please hold your bug reports for a little while :)

Bug reports: Please email all bug reports to [email protected]


- Access Champaign Urbana MTD real time bus schedule in an elegant, intuitive interface

- Designed for Wi-Fi usage, bus time continues to show correct bus time based on last update

- Favorite stops that updates in background

- Suggests nearby stops and recently searched stops for quick access

- Bus alarms reminds you to get to the bus stop

- Link to Google Maps to plan your bus trip