Home Apps Travel TKT STPR - SF Parking Made EZ!

Avoid Parking Tickets! See open spaces, free and secret parking! Ticket Stopper!

In this version, TKT STPR only works for the city of San Francisco. Please be aware TKT STPR has not yet published data for anywhere else.

New York will be our next destination.

TKT STPR helps users avoid parking tickets and towing charges in select cities in the United States. This application accesses proprietary databases to provide information on applicable parking regulations for on-street parking, and warns users with alarms when they are at risk of violating parking ordinances. Types of parking regulations covered include: meter, commercial meter, residential zone, street sweeping, tow away, incline parking, no parking, police/fire, handicapped, and special events.

TKT STPR works in 2 different ways:

1) Parking Radar asks you for an amount of time you think you will be parking for, then shows all the areas around you in which you can park for that period of time without getting a ticket. If there are parking sensors, Parking Radar will also show the available spaces as a number on top of the pin.

2) Parking Ticket Guard allows search for specific addresses, then viewing types of available parking around that address. No sensor or other data is shown.

Both modes do allow the user to scroll around the map screen, as well as zoom in/out.

Whichever mode you use, once parked you can check in.

Checking in activates our alert system: the in-phone component which functions in case you are out of signal range, backed up by either SMS or email.

TKT STPR supports those who have residential permits, and also will display when tow away or meter enforcement periods end.

Response to chcagon: TKT STPR is a dynamic app: it accesses a central server for user account as well as parking information. We do this because the parking information is always changing anyway, and the user account information is necessary to send text and email alerts. If you are still in your trial period and get the request for payment, it was because cell signal at the time was poor. Please try again.

As for complexity: parking in San Francisco is very complex. Even disregarding the problems with cell GPS accuracy, there isn't an easy way to display all the information you need to avoid parking tickets because there are at least 7 different categories of parking ticket: parking meter expiration, tow away zones, residential zones, incline parking, commercial-only meters, passenger loading zones, and special events.

We at TKT STPR are working to add some extra capabilities to improve ease of use.

Keywords: ticket stopper, ticketstopper, TKT STPR, TKTSTPR, ParkingTicketStopper.com, SFPark, SFMTA, street sweeping, meter, tow away, residential, incline, parking ticket, San Francisco