Home Apps Business Office Tess. Sanitaria Codice Fiscale

Calculates Tax Code, Health Card, Bar Code

Calculate/Create/Archives Tax Code/Health Card, also with Omocodice, for those born in Italy and abroad

Calculate the CF/TS with Omocodia with all 127 variants.

The database contains all 8,100 and 282 foreign states.

Manage all municipalities of Italy with the Caps and telephone prefixes and foreign states

Arrange and send the CF and TS with barcode (barcode) by email, bluetooth or other device

For those born abroad, he indicates EE in the Province field and in the Municipalities Casel Choose the foreign state.

The program allows you to create the CF also for the municipalities/states ceased (e.g. Hong Kong which until 1997 was British colony and now belongs to China)

The program also generates the barcode of the health card

The program copies the tax code in the notes.

The program saves the CF/TS in the DCIM/CF folder on request

The program verifies the formal correctness of the VAT

What's New in the Latest Version 6.2.3

Last Updated on Jan 21, 2018 also optimized for S7 and S8