Home Apps Business Office Telerik Examples

The app demonstrates scenarios that can be achieved with Telerik UI for Android.

"UI for Android" is a set of native UI controls that assist in building Android applications faster.

For more information, please visit: http://www.telerik.com/android-ui

Controls & Features included


- Group, Sort, Filter

- Load on demand

- Pull to refresh

- Selection

- Deck of Cards layout

- Slide layout

- Swipe to execute

- Item reordering

- Linear, Grid and StaggeredGrid layout strategies

- The Telerik ListView is based on the Android RecyclerView so UI vitualization is provided out-of-the-box


- Series

- Line

- Spline

- Area

- SplineArea

- Bar

- RangeBar

- Pie

- Donut

- Financial (OHLC, Candlestick)

- Scatter

- Bubble

- Axes

- Categorical

- DateTimeCategorical

- DateTimeContinuous

- Linear

- Logarithmic

- Plotting multiple axes on a single chart

- Behaviors

- Pan & Zoom

- Trackball

- Tooltip

- Selection

- Miscellaneous features

- Palettes - set of predefined styles for each chart type

- Annotations - visual elements for highlighting areas on the plot. Can be used as comments or as markers for specific values on the plot.

- Labels - both for series and axes

- Legend


- Default and Custom editors

- Validation

- Read-Only mode

- Different commit modes


- Can display events from the device's calendar

- Week, Month & Year view

- Single, Multiple & Range selection

- Customizable cells

- Different events display modes

SideDrawer (NavigationDrawer)

- Predefined open/close animations

- Can be opened from all edges of the screen

- Customizable fade layer

- Customizable drawer size


- The Gauge control stretches the data visualization capabilities of your app, allowing you to present numeric values over a circular scale. The Gauge is a great way to illustrate the magnitude of a value in a given range of upper and lower bounds. This value could be speed, distance, temperature or progress of a process. 


- With AutoCompleteTextView implemented in your app your end-users can type faster. The control gives them suggestions, based on the characters they’ve already typed. This is useful in various situations such as choosing from a list of airports or a list of known recipients.  It features:

- Different completion modes: Append, Suggest or SuggestAppend

- Different filter modes: StartsWith, Contains

- Multiple selection of items with Tokens

- Null-text

- Text highlight

Data Source

- A non-UI adapter that offers an easy way to sort, group and filter in-memory data. Used internally by the ListView.

- The DataSource is most useful when used as a "data hub" where data is obtained, reshaped and sent to a view to be displayed.


- A component that exposes an easy way to gather feedback from your application users. The AppFeedback control is integrated with the Telerik Platform and provides a convenient way to manage the user feedback.


- A control based on the native Android ScrollView that provides simultaneous horizontal and vertical scrolling.

New examples are added regularly. The application's source code is available on GitHub: https://github.com/telerik/Android-samples/tree/master/Telerik-Examples

What's New in the Latest Version 2016.3.1222

Last updated on Dec 24, 2016 Two new components: Gauges and AutoCompleteTextView. Improved DataForm, fixes and optimizations.