Keep Track of your data volume!
We only use an offer from Deutsche Telekom, but we have nothing to do with it! Please note the reviews!
This app offers an easy way for T-Mobile customers to keep an overview of the used data volume.
The data volume displayed here is always correct (with a time delay of a few minutes)! All specified data is not included in the company, but requested directly from Telekom.
In addition to this information, you will receive basic information on your data tariff and the remaining term of your volume.
In addition to a simple surface, the app offers a clear widget that updates itself several times a day.
--- The data is not correctly shown? [email protected] ---
--- You get the error message "Error Parsing Data"? Please contact [email protected] ---
1. Deactivate your WiFi connection before querying the data.
2. There must be a connection to the mobile data network.
3. The access to the mobile consumption display depends on your contractual terms.
4. The information displayed is delayed and can deviate from the actual consumption.
In the event of a fault:
- Note the notes above
- Try it again later
- Contact your customer service
This application is not related to T-Mobile Deutschland GmbH.
Planned for future version:
- Regular notifications about current consumption by notification (configurable via settings)