Application Honoring Comedians Hermes and Renato.
Application in honor of the humorists Hermes and Renato, containing hilarious phrases of the Telaclass program.
Class Class was a humorous program made by the group of humorists Hermes & Renato aired by MTV Brasil. The table lasts 30 minutes, including the intervals. It was first aired on June 1st to August 31, 2007 with three seasons until 2008. The program was made from the idea of dubbing and reissue of little known films in Brazil, so that its stories set up a short satirical footage.
In all, the comedians made 15 voiceovers, but one of them was vetoed by MTV. In the episode "Legends of Passion", the class took heavy and decided to transform the story - which they preferred not to reveal - in a love case between a boy and a priest, in a mood of "Brokeback Mountain". “I think it was even innocent on our part to think the episode would pass. It would generate negative controversy for the station, which, after all, is a company, ”says Torres. "But maybe this episode will end up on YouTube, so, kind of by chance ...", provokes Fanti.