CEO - Multimode Group, VP - Bangladesh Football Federation, Director - MCCI
From 1997 to 2001, Mr. Abdul Awal Mintoo wrote 300 letters to his eldest son Tabith Awal, advising him on everything from student politics to agriculture. It was his dearest wish that Tabith would enter public service, for he had high hopes that the youth would eventually implement the many changes the city desperately required. It is this strong sense of civic duty that he passed on to his son, which Tabith Awal has displayed throughout his life in various ways, and it is this drive for continual improvement that he is bringing to the Mayoral Office for the Dhaka North City Corporation.
From 1997 to 2001, he completed his bachelors and masters from George Washington University, USA, a school renowned for producing famous political figures. There, amongst other things, he was the president of the South Asian Society, which was the representative organization for all Indian, Pakistani, and Bangladeshi students, with an active enrollment of over 2,000 students.
On his return, this trend of public service continued, even while he was successfully contending in the business arena. In the past fifteen years he has worked extensively in the agricultural sector with his seed company, greatly improving the productivity of farmers through hybrid seed research. His crowning achievement has been overseeing the water buffalo genome sequencing, which will allow our farmers to breed cattle specifically suited to Bangladesh. This is an unheard level of scientific and technical expertise displayed by a Bangladeshi company, and has rightly put us on the map as a country capable of technological innovation.
His second passion has always been football, and it is in the sporting arena where he has really excelled. From captaining his school team to playing for Arambagh football club, he displayed the tenacity and discipline required to be a professional athlete. He was at this time also considered for the national team, but could not avail the opportunity due to his other commitments.
After retiring from playing in the premier league, he continued his dedication to the sport by becoming the player manager of the Feni football club. He masterminded the meteoric rise of the club to the pinnacle of footballing success, displaying that leadership and mentoring through sports is a legitimate path to public service, particularly in our country where the people are starved of genuine sporting achievements.
In 2012, Tabith was elected as the youngest vice president of the Bangladesh Football Federation, and the current excellent results of the national team can be attributed directly to the work he and the federation have done to promote the beloved sport.
In 2013, he became a director of the Dhaka Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, the youngest director ever to be elected, and one of his main achievements has been to induce the youth to join. It has been his aim in every situation to promote and involve the new generation in politics and service to the country
Finally, in April 9th, 2015, following the Election Commission decision to disallow Mr. Abdul Awal Mintoo from running, he was selected by the Bangladesh National Party to be their official candidate for Dhaka City Corporation North, an endorsement by former Prime Minister and Party Leader the Honorable Begum Khaleda Zia which reaffirms the capability and potential which he has displayed throughout his life. It is also a ringing affirmation by BNP of the promise of youth and faith in a new generation of political leaders.
Mayoral Candidate – North Dhaka, Dty Chief Executive Officer – Multimode Group, VP – Bangladesh Football Federation, Director – MCCI Ex Dir- National Bank.