Not sure what to wear for your date? Upload 2 pictures and see what people vote!
What to eat? Where to go out? What to wear? Choose better and faster with help from your friends or from complete strangers. Get feedback on fashion, selfies food and anything else.
Swingvote app will help you compare anything! You can quickly create a poll by uploading just 2 photos and you'll receive votes from real people in minutes.
Have fun influencing people in their everyday life decisions and help fight decision fatigue.
Use Swingvote app to get advice on:
- fashion
- selfies
- haircuts
- movies
- food
- cars
Are you taking ages to make even the simplest decisions? Let others help. Just upload 2 pictures with your options and real people will help your decide through their votes.
Sometimes we are too embarrassed to ask our friends for their opinion? Fear no more. Swingvote app works anonymously and complete strangers can vote on your polls to help you decide.