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Web service example generates amazingly accurate search Suggestions.

Suggest matches a partial word or phrase you enter and comes up with a list of possible completions. Select one of the results to do a search on that item.

The results are amazingly accurate, and are refined based on your location and searches other people are doing right now.

This program is a sample from an upcoming edition of "Hello, Android" by Ed Burnette, published by the Pragmatic Programmers. It demonstrates calling web services, multi-threading, XML Parsing, and the Google Suggest API.

What's New in the Latest Version 1.0.1

Last updated on Jul 21, 2015 1.0.1: Fixed a crash on Android 2.x calling ArrayListAdapter.addAll(); that doesn't exist until 3.0. Replaced it with a loop that calls add(). Exercise for the reader: test BUILD.VERSION and call the best one.