Home Apps Business Office Studious

Replace your student planner and notebook with Studious!

•Featured On:

MSNBC - http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/48189836/ns/technology_and_science-back_to_school/t/essential-android-apps-college-students/

Lifehacker - http://lifehacker.com/5933051/lifehacker-pack-for-android-student-edition

Redmond Pie - http://www.redmondpie.com/Studious-for-android-is-the-perfect-replacement-for-your-student-planner/

Android Authority - http://www.androidauthority.com/best-android-apps-high-school-students-80249/

Make Use Of - http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/school-schedule-homework-order-Studious-android/

With Studious, your phone will never embarrass you in class again by going off. Forgetting about homework and tests will be a thing of the past.


- Silence your phone in class

- Remind you when homework and tests are due

- Save notes

•Want to support Studious? Download Studious+!


Where can I input my class's location?

Studious's note feature will allow you to input any text you want, such as your building name and class room.

Where can I add my campus map?

You can create a note with a URL of your campus map, it will automatically be created into a link which you can simply click to open your browser and view the map (file attachments such as .pdf will be supported in the future).

How do I add my teacher's/professor's name?

Notes support text input which will allow you to save miscellaneous information such as this.

•Upcoming features:

Widget (Studious+)

Support for various school schedules

New icons and colors

***Do not use an app killer or task manager to kill Studious. Studious will not be able to silence your phone or give reminders if stopped by one of these applications.***

What's New in the Latest Version 1.0

Last updated on Jul 25, 2015 Version 1.0
- Redesign
- Calendar view
- Postpone reminders
- Colors!
- Full tablet support
- Notes support links (removed picture support temporarily due to bugs)
- Bug fixes, performance improvements