Strike and dip
Our Strike and dip application turns your smartphone or tablet into essentially a brunton compass allowing you to determine the Strike and dip of planar and linear features with one click. The Strike and dip application also serves as a tool within our Geology Sample Collector application, but we have also enabled it as a separate application for those that wish to use it outside of our Geology application. In addition, the longitude, latitude, altitude, address (if available), and date and time are collected for each reading. Magnetic field data can also be recorded. Images of minerals, individual formations, rock textures, structures, etc. can also be taken along with video and/or audio in case additional information about outcrops needs to be documented. As with all of our applications, additional fields can be created if needed or default fields (such as temperature and pressure) can be hidden. We have also included a theodolite tool within the application that allows the user to determine distances to and height of objects or features (for more details see the description under our theodolite application). Finally, our application allows you to track you path in the field as you collect data. The path can be included on a map along with the Strike and dip information so you can document your field work for later reference.
We have enabled standard symbols for various linear and planar features which include: bedding, overturned bedding, foliation, cleavage, joints, thrust and normal faults, right and left lateral strike-slip faults with or without a dip, lineation, and syncline and anticline plunge. Once the symbol has been chosen and the Strike and dip recorded, the symbol(s) can be viewed immediately on a map.
Once you have installed the application, you can use your smartphone or tablet in the same way you would use a brunton compass. You simply orient the phone or tablet along the planar or linear feature, choose a symbol, and click. The device’s built-in compass and orientation sensors instantly record the strike, the dip, and dip direction.
We believe that one of the powers of our application is that the information can not only be shared with various social sites such as Facebook, e-mailed to others, but also synchronized to a website we allow you to create so others can see your work. Through the website, the data can be viewed in real time by colleagues should you choose to share your data collection information. The synchronization also serves as a way to back up your data should your phone or tablet malfunction in the field. If you do not have web access, the application will collect the data and store it until a web connection is established. Once the data has been uploaded, you can edit the data, create reports and/or maps, and download the data or reports to spreadsheets and other documents. Once your field work is completed, you can automatically create a powerpoint or video of your work. Try it, it is free. You can also access the data via our website at