The Soneppar E-Business App: The Universal Tool for the Electrical Industry
The Soneparspar Catalog and E-Business app provides even more mobile information.
Now you can not only search the entire item inventory quickly and comfortably and leaf through the interactive Sonepar catalogs and magazines, but also get all the news about Sonepars quickly and compactly via the app.
The location finder also shows you all the details of a branch near you.
Use the comfortable connection to the online shop to order even more easily from the app.
A must for everyone who always wants to be up to date on the go!
Sonepar DE Utschland is one of the leading companies in the German electrical trade and offers customers from electrical units and trade as well as industry as well as industry an extensive selection of products, fast delivery and further services.
Website of the Sonepar DE Utschland group: