You can select to block SMS from-Recent SMS senders-Contacts-Custom numbers
Tired of spam SMS?
Then this app offers an extremely light solution for you.
You can select to block SMS from
-- Recent SMS senders
-- Contacts
-- Custom numbers
So no more SMS from numbers that irritate you!
Just choose the "pick from inbox" option and select all the telemarketing numbers that you have been receiving SMS from and block them forever.
So even after opting in for DND you receive such SMS, this app does the remaining work to prevent any spam from your Inbox.
You don't miss any important SMS as all spam messages are stored inside the application's own inbox!
Now with 3 blocking modes:
-- Block only those numbers that you have chosen
-- Block all incoming SMS from all unknown numbers
-- Block all incoming SMS from any number
Also you can choose to
-- Block SMS having certain set of keywords
-- Block SMS starting or ending with the specified set of values.
This app also lets your conversations continue in one messaging thread even if the SMS are received from free SMS providers/gateways like Way2sms, Fullonsms.
The app works in background to automatically edit SMS before a notification for it is created.
The SMS which you then receive is a normal SMS with no branding like TM, LM, "sent via".
In short, you receive a clean SMS.
Currently supported Free SMS gateways are
-Ultoo(On some devices)
So keep your conversations going without switching between SMS threads.
Version 1.2.0
-Added support for Google Hangouts
-Added support for ChatON Messenger
-UI improvements