Home Apps Life Entertainment Skill Trainer for CSGO

The unofficial and FREE mobile trainer app for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

CSGOSKILLS is a mobile trainer app to help you improve your Counter-Strike: Global Offensive skills.

• Learn how to aim, move, throw grenades and more by watching tutorials from famous Youtubers and pro gamers.

• Practice your skills with practice tasks, starting with easier tasks and progressing to more difficult ones

• Track your progress along the way

• Vote for the next feature: Take matters into your own hands and actively shape the future of CSGOSKILLS by voting for the next feature.

• Gorgeous Material Design Theme


• Your identity (as in your email address used with Google Play) will only be used to invite you to beta versions of CSGOSKILLS, if and only if you purchased the Vote For Features in-app-purchase. We will never sell your personal information to anyone.


• If you are using a Sony Xperia L and an older YouTube app (to play 720p) you might experience problems playing videos. In that case simply longclick the play button to open the video in an external app.

What's New in the Latest Version 1.4.5

Last updated on Apr 5, 2017 bugfixes