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Do not be stressed when requesting a taxi, know where the taxi is transported with quality and safety, can now see it in real time.
Previously schedule your taxi and collect it without further wait
Its location is not known by the driver until when he accepts the service.
For security the driver is tracked 100% of its daily tour.
Addresses history
Enter the address or use the GPS location of your phone, choose the characteristics of the service and wait for a mobile to be assigned.
Use abbreviations such as KR or CR, CLL or CL, DIAG, TRANS OR TRNV, AV, AS ABBREVIATURES OR USE THE COMPLETE WORD followed by ", City"
Use the brief description to give indications to the driver and thus locate yourself more easily
Service characteristics:
Air conditioning, it may take a little longer to locate a mobile,
Tell the driver with which denomination you will cancel the service, in this way you can be prepared and avoid waiting to change the ticket, tell him if you go with suitcases, or with a wheelchair and require help, I travel to the airport, I carry market packages, in all cases the driver will be ready to provide his collaboration.