Home Apps Sports and Health Rutappa

Rutappa, the app that supports routes personalized cover.

Rutappa, the app that supports routes cover personalized and facilitates the participation of more simple, reliable and very cost effective way. Rutappa incorporates details of locations and participating tapas, positioning them on geographical map, and incorporating a system of popular, reliable and transparent vote.

Rutappa is ready so users can vote caps, having the option of adding them or not traditional voting. We recommend spreading from the beginning, in the media, signage, etc ... that participation in the route can be done via mobile phone. At the end of the route we provide a report on the number of participants, ratings, top scores, downloads ....

We have the possibility of introducing advertising sponsors in the application, use it as an argument for wider dissemination of the sponsor.

Rutappa is a mobile application that allows the use of new technologies in the participation of the route from the top proposing a more fun, dynamic and simple participation.

Rutappa also offers greater presence in social networks and more widely thanks to using this new communication channel event.

I invite you to download the app on your smartphone and see the features it offers.

KeyWords: rutappeamos rutatapa route rutapa top tapas route from the top tapas route tapea route of tapas and pintxos wins skewer skewers restaurants bars Wine Route

What's New in the Latest Version 10.0.0

Last updated on Aug 13, 2024 Se han añadido nuevas funcionalidades:
- Ahora puedes deslizarte horizantalmente para ver todas las tapas cómodamente sin volver atrás.
- Se ha mejorado el sistema de votaciones para garantizar el voto seguro por gelolocalización dentro de los locales.
- Ahora sabrás cuántas tapas llevas votadas con un check en el listado.
- Te avisamos de las actualizaciones cada vez que estén disponibles.
- Arreglados bugs menores.