Rutadirecta helps you find public transport routes in your city.
Rutadirecta is the app that helps you find public transport routes you can take to get from one point to another in your city.
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★ How to reach your destination: Tap the map to define your origin and destination and get the routes you can use.
★ Routes per points: Touch the map and select "Rutas por Punto" (Routes per Point) for routes that pass through that location.
★ MANY CITIES: You do not need to download different apps, in the settings section you can select the city you want to explore.
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Available cities:
★ México
- Monterrey
- Guadalajara
- Ciudad de México/Distrito Federal
- Cancún
- León
- Puebla
- Queretaro
- Reynosa
- Tampico
- Torreón
★ Argentina
- Buenos Aires
- Laredo