Home Apps Life Entertainment Russian Video Search

Find Russian videos on Youtube, Yandex, Google and VKontakte

This application allows you to search for Russian videos on Youtube, Yandex, Google and Vkontakte. It enables you to type in two languages - Russian & English - simultaneously via a 'Hybrid' keyboard, as well as using speech recognition. The Hybrid keyboard types English letters to output Russian letters, and vice versa. It uses letter translations just like Translit.ru. Additionally, the app offers a standard Russian keyboard and also an English keyboard. The app also saves your search history locally.


-Supports Google TV with Logitech Revue

-Russian on-screen keyboard, and a button to switch to English keyboard

-Hybrid keyboard (type in English & output Russian letters)

-Voice search buttons for Russian and English

-Saves recent search history

-Colored icons in tabs for YouTube, Yandex and Google

-Support for landscape and portrait mode

What's New in the Latest Version 8.0.2

Last updated on Oct 6, 2015 1) Show an exit toast notification let the user know they're completely exiting the app
2) Prevent notification shortcut from appearing when phone reboots
3) Improved small homescreen widget to use IntentService instead of Service