South Indian Recipes in Malayalam
A Collection of Malayalam Recipes from South India.
► Offline reading: Download and cache recipe and image locally for easy offline reading.
► Smart notification on/off to alert user when new recipe become available
► Toggle Star your favorite recipes saved in "Saved for Later" menu.
► Easy Search: You can search for a recipe by simple keywords
► Share recipes on many sources. Sharing it via Facebook, Twitter and Email is easy (Requires Facebook and Twitter Android app installed)
► Hide read: Don't like to see read recipe, this option make it easy to navigate
► All your stared '*' recipes view in "Saved for Later" under favorites section
► Vegetarian
► Non Vegetarian
► Rice
► Chicken
► Fish
► Beef
► Egg
► Prawn
► Biriyani
► Snacks
► Cake
► Drinks
► Dessert
► Soup
► Pickle
► Onam
► Ramadan
► Kitchen Tips
★ Need Internet to sync app with server to download all recipes.
★ After installing please allow 30 sec to sync recipes for the first time.
★ After syncing read recipes offline
★ Updating new recipes regularly if you are online.
★ Don't forget to try our widgets on your home screen.
★ If you want to publish your own recipes in this app, Sent it to "[email protected]"