Home Apps Practical Tools Resource Viewer

Resource Viewer is a tool for browsing internal resources and system settings.

[NOTICE] This app is for developers.

Resource Viewer is a tool for browsing internal resources, system settings, permissions and system environment.

This app will display the latest information that matched your device because almost information is obtained by using the reflection.

Each item can be copied by using the context menu.

The following information can be displayed:

* Array Resource - android.R.array

* Color Resource - android.R.color

* Dimension Resource - android.R.dimen

* Drawable Resource - android.R.drawable

* Integer Resource - android.R.integer

* String Resource - android.R.string

* Animation Resource - android.R.anim ★

* Layout Resource - android.R.layout ★

* ID Resource - android.R.id

* Attribute Resource - android.R.attr

* Style Resource - android.R.style

* Intent Action - android.content.Intent

* Intent Category - android.content.Intent

* Intent Extra - android.content.Intent

* Manifest Permission - android.Manifest.permission

* Manifest Permission Group - android.Manifest.permission_group

* General Settings - android.provider.Settings ☆

* System Settings - android.provider.Settings.System

* Secure Settings - android.provider.Settings.Secure

* Build Information - android.os.Build

* Build Version - android.os.Build.VERSION

* Build Version Code - android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES

* Configuration Type - android.content.res.Configuration

* Sensor Type - android.hardware.Sensor

* System Properties - java.util.Properties

* System Environment - java.lang.System

* Dalvik Opcodes - dalvik.bytecode.Opcodes

★: A content can be shown as a simplified XML.

☆: A settings screen can be opened.

What's New in the Latest Version 1.3

Last updated on Sep 5, 2015 -App name has changed for the Android branding guidelines