Application RSO Information About The Risks. New Version (Ed. Mia).
The mobile application of Regionalny System Ostrzegania (RSO) is a solution to inform the society about threats, as well as performing an educational function through guides for conduct in crisis situations.
A new version of the RSO mobile application is already available, which is the publisher of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration. The current version of the application will be withdrawn.
We encourage you to download a new version of the RSO mobile application.
The RSO application allows:
- Review of warnings about extraordinary situations throughout the country in the following categories: meteorological, hydrological, road, general information,
- Review of information on water states on the rivers of all over Poland,
- Access to the knowledge base in the form of conducting guides in crisis situations.
Warnings come from voivodship crisis management centers, which receive information on threats, including IMGW-PIB or GDDKiA.