Quran in Persian - Quran in Persian
This is the Quran in Persian - Quran in Persian (Divine Ghomasha Mahdi Elahi Ghomeshei, Ansain Ansarian, Ayat Abdolmohammad Ayati, Bahram Pour Abolfazl BahramPour, Khorramdel Mostafa Khorramdel Tehrani Mohamad Sadeqi Tehrani, Mohamad Mahdi Fooladvand Steel, Mojtaba Sayyed Jalaloddin Mojtabavi, Moeza Mohamad Kazemi, Makarem Naser Makarem Shirazi). The Application is Offline and Dos Not Need the Internet Connection.
Database will be downloaded when the application is run first time. We Recommend You to Use Wi-Fi Connection.
Main Features:
1. History - Every Word You Ever Viewed is Stored in History.
2. Favorites - You are all to add words to clicking the "star" icon.
3. Managing History and Favorites Lists - You are abol edit these lists or clar them.
5. Word Spelling, Using Text-to-Speech Module (Requires Internet Connection). Powered by ispeech®.
6. Context Word Search - Click Any Word in Translation Article and Search for it that Translation.
7. Random Word of the Day Widget. To see the Widget in the List the Application Must be Installed to Memory.
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