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★★★ Got any questions? We've got answers! ★★★

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★ Categories ★

We invite you to add the following categories to the application:

✓ News and Events

✓ Love and Relationships

✓ Arts and Humanities

✓ Cars & Transportation

✓ Beauty and Fashion

✓ Picture and sound

✓ Home and Garden

✓ Music, Movies, TV, Entertainment

✓ Politics and Government

✓ Restaurants

✓ Science and Mathematics

✓ Social Sciences

★ Examples of questions asked on Questina ★

- How does a light bulb work?

- What is your most intriguing secret organization?

- How to digitize old camcorder tapes?

- Presidential Election: Still undecided?

- What are the supporting documents we are entitled to request from a prospective tenant?

- What criteria should we rely upon to judge other people?

- How can I find out if the tap water in our region is suitable for human consumption?

- What is your favorite Harry Potter movie among all 8?

- What is the best natural product to clean silver jewelry?

- Do you know a trick to sharpen scissors?

- What is your favorite flower?

- What seems obvious to you?

- Are there any nice people left in the world?

- What would you like as your tombstone engraving?

- How does it show on the outside when it hurts you inside?

- What was your life-changing day?

- Am I pregnant, am I really that late?

- How can I get a deep and restful sleep?

- How can I become progressively smarter?

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