Home Apps Educational Learning Prova DETRAN

Study and Make Proof of Simulated DMV on Your Smartphone.

Handouts and simulated for proof of qualification or renewal of CNH (National Driver's License) of Detran, in Brazil.

It is a compiled with the notions of first aid of traffic, defensive steering and basic maintenance of vehicles. The first two are copies of the handouts provided by Detran, but the last is a compilation of articles with basic maintenance tips and information.

It also contains 3 Detran test simulations so that the user can evaluate their knowledge.

If you have configured the TTS (Text-to-Speech) function on your smartphone, with a voice in Portuguese (eg: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.svox.classic.langpack.por_bra_fem&hl=pt_br), the application can "read" for you.


Car diary

The car diary is a free site where you control the maintenance of your vehicle, registering your supplies, maintenance, etc. It helps its users sending reminders in the salary of maintenance, IPVA, licensing and even CNH. More information at www.diariodocarro.com.br

What's New in the Latest Version 1.3.4

Last updated on sep 3, 2015 v 1.3.4
Correction of bugs that caused locking on some devices.

v 1.3.3
Inclusion of the plates handout;
Improvement in questionnaires (reducing repeated questions).
Correction of bugs that caused any locking;