Home Apps Business Office Pebble Agenda Watchface

Keep up with your agenda on your Pebble smartwatch!

Shows the next appointments from your Android calendar on the Pebble smartwatch. With plugins, it can also show a lot of other stuff :)

Installation: after installing the Android app, the watchapp can be installed through the menu in the Android app.

This will only work with PebbleOS version 2.0 and up.


- Tells time, date, weekday, low battery

- Shows all-day events and "normal" events (with starting time and location)

- Events are persistently stored in the watch (and synced regularly), so no delay in showing them

- Flick your wrist to scroll down

- A lot of settings

- Changes are pushed to the watch, so the watchface is always up-to-date

- Plugin mechanism for even more information on the watchface! (such as tasks or notifications)

Also see discussion here: http://forums.getpebble.com/discussion/10181/

What's New in the Latest Version 2.1.5

Last updated on Jul 21, 2015 Version 2.1.5
- Less annoying update notifications
- Added warning to update Pebble firmware if watchface installation fails
- Fixed spelling of short months ("Oct") - thanks!

Version 2.1.4
- New option to set number of days to search calendar for
- Bugfixes on smaller header text

Version 2.1.3
- Minor bugfix (crash for certain empty calendars)

Version 2.1.2
- Larger time in header (using space more efficiently)
- Option to invert watchface colors
- Bugfix for calendar event texts