Home Apps Business Office Pad Foundation

Isolated Pad Foundation or footing

A very simple app to calculates soil bearing pressure under a single/isolated/Pad Foundation. It also reports the shear and bending moment, and draws the area in compression in cases where there's uplift. For preliminary checking/design only. There is no reinforcement design, however you can use the dev's beam design app to get the required shear and bending reinforcement. No punching shear check.

Main Feature:

1) Axial load can have eccentricities in both directions

2) SI and Imperial Units

3) bearing, shear and moment results only.

*Internet permission required only for (possibly annoying) ads.

*In beta and very limited feature to bearing calculation only. For bugs, please email the dev

What's New in the Latest Version 1.2

Last updated on Sep 15, 2015 Added button to send design moment and shear to Concret Beam Design app to determine steel reinforcement