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Read the latest Nigerian news online and offline for free via this app.

Read the latest Nigerian news, newspapers today and Nigerian blogs online and offline now on your phone for free via this app. With up to the minute news alerts and notifications. This is the biggest collection of Nigerian News sources online. Over 50 Sources!

Get latest Nigerian breaking news headline RSS feeds and full breaking stories in Sports, Naija Entertainment, Fashion, Business, Naija Gists and Gossip Blogs, Music,Naija Movies, Football, Soccer etc. News can also be read offline. With this app you will always be updated with the latest happenings in Nigeria as they happen.

Voted the best News App in Nigeria. Contains all the major newspapers in Nigeria, major news websites and top blogs.

If you have more sources you want us to add, suggestions for this app or advertising enquiries please send an e-mail to apps44apps @ outlook.com



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