A convenient launcher for Google Maps Navigation
This is a convenient launcher for Google Maps Navigation, similar to the "Navigation" launcher included in Google Maps.
Nav Launcher has all the same important features as the default Navigation launcher app, such as:
-Quick access to contacts, starred contacts, and favorites
-Easy entry of a typed or spoken address
-A history of where you've gone before
However, Nav Launcher makes it easier to access all of these, and allows you to set two Quick Favorites, for frequent destinations (such as "Home" or "Work").
If you always want a certain screen to start up (such as Contacts, Favorites, or History), then you can customize it to do exactly that! Nav Launcher can even launch itself whenever you place your phone in a car dock.
3.0.0 beta 8
Fixed a crash when going into Settings on Android 3.0 and higher
3.0.0 beta 7
First release in the Market after being gone for 18 months.