Add multiple photos to each contact you want. The picture changes automatically!
Add multiple photos to each contact you want and simply choose the frequency of change, the picture changes automatically.
• You can choose the frequency of change for each contacts: after an incoming call, twice a day, once a day, once a week
• Share pictures from any application to "Multi Photos Contact" and select a contact to add it to his gallery
• Build a photo gallery specific to each contact
• Photos change in all applications of the phone (calls, sms, etc)
• Does not consume battery
Advanced feature:
• The app accepts a Dropbox link as image format !
This feature has been designed for couples, create a link that points to an image to your Dropbox, and give this link to your partner.
If you change the image on Dropbox, your partner will receive this update :)
Idea & concept by Droidexp