Morocco News: application to follow news of the most famous Moroccan newspapers
Morocco News 24, Maroc News is a Moroccan newsreader which puts at your disposal a simple and intuitive interface allowing you to view the latest news published on various Moroccan news sites (Hespress, Hibapress, akhbarona, hibasport and more to come).
Morocco News 24, Maroc News : The most important regional and global news in a simple and easy to use application.
You can find the latest news from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Mauritania and Libya.
Akhbar Magharibia or Morocco News 24, Maroc News is a totally free application, to be updated with news of the great Maghreb with the latest updates of major newspapers in Arabic and French, as Hespress, Alyaoum24, The Economist Maghreb, Al Shorouk, Al Watan, France 24 …
Explore the most important channels of news from Morocco, by more than 60 press editors.
- Channels are sorted by categories : Morocco, international, cities, economy, sport, sciences & technologies, art & culture, videos.
- 3 languages available : english, french and arabic.
- Discover local news near your location.
- Latest news pushed for your favorite newspapers.
★★★★★ 100 % FREE ★★★★★
Download this cool app "Morocco News 24, Maroc News" for free. Enjoy.
Morocco News 24, Maroc News : Morocco's most widely read newspaper and news in this application. You can download and use for free.
Tags: newspapers morocco, morocco news, breaking news, morocco, morocco latest news, sports news morocco, morocco news magazine, morocco politics news, read a newspaper in morocco, morocco read news,Morocco News 24, Maroc News, Morocco News Maroc News
شاركنا افكارك حول التطبيق ولا تنسى التقييم بخمس نجوم ان اعجبك مع ملاحظة حول التطبيق