Use MoLoca to search for places to eat, drink, play, and hang out!
Are you looking for a restaurant in Toronto? Want to hang out with your friends at a Karaoke bar? Want to visit car dealership for regular checkup? Use MoLoca to search for places to eat, drink, play, and do whatever businesses in Canada!
☆ Search for businesses in Canada (primarily in Toronto and GTA, Ontario region)
☆ Look up addresses and phone numbers for thousands of local businesses
☆ Call, text, email, or find a map for the business in a single page
☆ Tap one of popular icons in main page for quickly browsing a list of businesses in categories
☆ Support English and Korean
--Recent Updates--
- Incorporated new Location Services using Google Play Services
- Updates in list view UI
- Fixed a bug in v1.2.4: an issue which app cannot return from Message App is now solved
- Update UI in business image gallery
--Update Logs--
- Update UI: visible search bar
- Added search limits for faster performance