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See Jobs in Mozambique for your phone!

Employment Mozambique is a utility that allows anyone to consult job vacancies in Mozambique through the cell.

The application checks in real time the notices published in the MMO portal Employment and notifies the user that can view the entire ad within the app or browser.

? What you can do in the application?

⚫ Consult jobs anytime and anywhere;

⚫ To be notified of new posts via push;

⚫ Share places with your friends;

⚫ Receive job tips and recruitment in the app;

⚫ Register your resume on the platform;

⚫ Send vacancy announcements.

? About MMO Jobs

Employment Portal Moz offers its users the ability to find hundreds of jobs in Mozambique in just a few clicks without leaving home and without paying anything. Our services are free for applicants and employers.

We update daily to our database with new job opportunities.

Explore over 30,000 job opportunities in Mozambique on our website. Create your resume directly to our panel and send your application in one click. Our portal has the highest labor content library Mozambique accessible to the public free of charge.

Employment MMO is the largest portal of job opportunities in Mozambique and has been since 2012 offering a bit of hope for all Mozambicans seeking work.