Widget Meteoclimatic , put Weather Station in the Palm of Your Hand.
Meteoclimatic is a widget for Android system, which allows you to have the data of more than 950 meteorological stations of the Meteoclimatic Network on the desktop. Only Spain and Portugal.
" Meteoclimatic is a large network of non -professional automatic weather stations in real time and an important directory of weather resources. If you have an automatic station and want to share your data, we invite you to participate in Meteoclimatic ."
Select the station you prefer (more than 950 throughout the Peninsula) and you will have the meteorological data in real time.
In addition, detailed information of the station data with maximum, minimum and graph of data evolution in the last 24 hours.
You will also have time forecast, for the Peninsula, offered by the Meteoclimatic forecast department.
Put a weather station on the palm of your hand.
To access the different screens, click on the different widget elements:
* Icon+Temperature -> Configuration screen.
* Name+Meteo data. -> Station and prediction data.
* Time+ Meteoclimatic logo -> Manual update.
Future improvements
* Allow to configure the different interface parameters: color, source, background, ...
* Possibility of configuring alarms for weather data (temperature, rain, humidity, ...)
* Greater number of maps with weather data.
* Improvements in the interface.
Thanks to all the users who have collaborated in the development phase, testing the application, detecting errors and suggesting improvements, which we have had in the forums of HTCMania our meeting point and thanks to the people of Meteoclimatic , for their enormous help.
No questions are answered through Market's opinions. Doubts, suggestions, ..., to the application of the application.