Search interesting people near you and arrange meetings in real time.
Meet cool new people near you in 5 minutes or less - see on a map who's where, send them an invite, and go meet! NO CHAT until you get to the place. MeetCity is the most super convenient free app to find and meet someone around you - whether you are interested in dating, friendship, networking, social or sports - it's so fast and easy with MeetCity.
MeetCity uses geolocation to help you find and view your matches nearby. MeetCity helps you pick the most convenient time and location to meet. Select your match and send them an invite. No more endless online chats, be awesome and meet cool new people in the real life.
MeetCity Dating App erases the borders between cool people and allows you to free yourself from boring swiping. Have 15 minutes to meet someone over a cup of coffee - see who's nearby and available NOW. Even if you are busy, you can still find time for yourself to go out and meet cool new people on MeetCity. MeetCity is here to change the world and to change you.
In a couple of minutes you are able to set up a meeting in the nearby area by connecting with people available to meet right at this time. All you need is to launch MeetCity, check who's available to meet now, find a cool person near you to meet, and enjoy the moment. MeetCity saves you time, and helps with arranging to meet people using artificial intelligence to find best matches in the nearest locality for you in seconds. Find the most intriguing personalities with shared interests. Check their Instagram profiles without leaving the app, and connect with like-minded people.
Find your love, meet new friends and build relationships using MeetCity. It’s all about “warm” people who will share your interests, life views, and will be ready to give you a warm hug and a cup coffee - on a good day, and a bad day. Download free MeetCity App and be a part of the new social revolution.