The official app for McDelivery Japan by McDonald's Japan K.K.
The official app for McDelivery Japan by McDonald's Japan K.K.
You can now register as a member (free) by downloading the application, and place your delivery order through this app!
*Before using this app*
Please make sure that your delivery address is located within our delivery area by accessing our McDonald's website
*Frequently Asked Questions*
Q. Why am I not receiving my confirmation e-mail after member registration?
A. Please wait for a while. If you are still not receiving any e-mail from us, check your spam mail filter and add the following domain to the safe domain list: []. Also please check your spam mailbox to check if the confirmation e-mail from us has been filtered.
Q. What is the difference between the McDelivery website and this app?
A. There is no difference in the login credentials, you will be able to use your ID and password for both login.
Q. Can I use this app outside of Japan?
A. No. You can only make delivery orders for the delivery areas located in Japan.
*System Requirements*
-Recommended for Android version 4.0.3 and above.
-Recommended only for smartphones. (may not function properly on Smart TV and other non-smartphone devices)